A virtual library of the history of science and technology based on the his
torical collection of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers librar
y was inaugurated on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Voltaic pile.
This anniversary supplied the theme for the first project: electricity and
magnetism before electromagnetism. This project will make about fifty volum
es available on-line, all in the French language and published before 1820.
Based on the same theme and time-period, there will also be a bibliography
of about 500 works and 1500 articles selected from a dozen French scientif
ic reviews, most of which have already been scanned by the National Library
of France. While testifying to the place of electricity in the culture of
the experimental physics at the end of the 18th century, this collection of
work underlines the relative paucity of theoretical concerns as well as th
e importance of animal and medical electricity. This database will allow us
ers to chart the evolution of publications according to different themes an
d to study the subjects of experimentation and instruments based on a large
number of plates.