The emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NO,) and total hydr
ocarbon (THC) from 7 new and 12 in-use motorcycles with or without the cata
lyst were evaluated by testing these vehicles on a dynamometer. Also the co
ncentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in five driving patterns,
including idle, acceleration, 30 km h(-1) cruise, 50 km h(-1) cruise, and
deceleration, were monitored. Experimental results indicate that the emissi
ons of CO and THC from in-use motorcycles are significantly higher than new
ones, but not for NO,, and the emissions of THC from 2-stroke motorcycles
are much higher than 4-stroke ones. The emissions of VOCs from in-use motor
cycles are higher than new motorcycles for all five driving patterns, and t
hose from 2-stroke engines are higher than 4-stroke motorcycles. Emission o
f VOCs in the modes of deceleration and idle accounts for the most mass emi
tted during the test driving cycle. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All righ
ts reserved.