D. Peng et al., In vitro fluoride release from aesthetic restorative materials following recharging with APF gel, AUST DENT J, 45(3), 2000, pp. 198-203
In this in vitro study, the fluoride ion release from three more-viscous co
nventional glass ionomer cements (GICs) - ChemFlex, Fuji IX GP, Ionofil Mol
ar - four polyacid-modified resin composites (compomers) - Dyract AP, Compo
glass F, Freedom, F2000 - and a hybrid resin composite - Ariston pHc - were
compared. The amounts of fluoride release from 3x2.7mm specimens were meas
ured over six weeks using a fluoride ion-selective electrode. After six wee
ks, the specimens were recharged with 2ml of 1.23 per cent acidulated phosp
hate fluoride (APF) gel for four minutes. The recharged specimens were then
assessed for the amounts of fluoride release over another six weeks. Stati
stical analyses were performed using one-way and repeated measures ANOVA. T
he GICs and Compoglass F showed significantly higher initial fluoride relea
se rates during the first two days (p<0.05). After the first two days, fluo
ride release rates from all materials dropped quickly and became essentiall
y stabilized within three-five weeks, in an exponential mode. The rechargin
g of the specimens with APF gel caused a brief, but significant, increase i
n fluoride release for all materials (p<0.05), before decreasing to previou
s comparable rates. Compoglass F released relatively more fluoride, and Ari
ston pHc relatively less, after APF gel application than before. The lowest
total amounts over the study were released by Dyract AP and Freedom. The n
ewer compomers, as well as the newer more-viscous GICs, appear to act as fl
uoride reservoirs to varying extents.