A consecutive series of 3044 patients who underwent BMT at the University o
f Minnesota over a 25 year period were reviewed for the post-transplant occ
urrence of infection caused by the yeast Malassezia furfur. Six patients, r
anging in age from 1 to 54 years, developed Malassezia infections at a medi
an of 59 days post transplant. Five patients were allogeneic transplant rec
ipients; the remaining patient had undergone autologous transplantation. A
spectrum of clinical manifestations of Malassezia infection was seen in the
se patients, including infections of mucosal surfaces and the skin, in addi
tion to catheter-related fungemia, Unlike many of the other more common opp
ortunistic fungal infections in inmunocompromised patients, neutropenia and
the use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials do not appear to be significant r
isk factors for Malassezia infections in the BMT population, In addition, d
isseminated fungal infection despite the presence of fungemia is uncommon.
Lastly, the outcome of Malassezia infections in these patients, whether fol
liculitis, mucosal infection, or fungemia, appears to be quite favorable, i
n contrast to the poorer outcome with many other fungal infections in BMT p
atients. Catheter removal and discontinuation of intravenous lipids are imp
ortant for a successful outcome in fungemic cases.