Primary objective: To assess the nature and severity of reported neurobehav
ioural symptoms of mercury poisoning, in a group of Zulu chemical workers (
n = 16), employed by a mercury processing plant, exposed to neurotoxic leve
ls of mercury, 5 years after exposure.
Research design: A group-control design was adopted, where the exposed grou
p was matched for age, sex, race, occupational and educational background.
Method/procedures: Both groups were administered a specially selected batte
ry of psychometric tests to measure neuropsychological functioning.
Outcome and results: The exposed group had significantly impaired short ter
m verbal and spatial memory, impaired sustained and divided attention, and
impaired motor speed. They also suffered from elevated clinical levels of p
sychiatric symptomatology, including anxiety, depression and phobic avoidan
ce, and neurological symptoms of tremor, weakness in the limbs, and excessi
ve sweating.
Conclusions: The exposed group suffered from varying degrees of permanent n
europsychological disability, which adversely affects their ability to work
and be financially independent. Psychometric measures for monitoring cogni
tive symptoms are discussed.