Objective To assess the expectations of antenatal care of pregnant women at
the outset of pregnancy.
Design Questionnaire study within a randomised controlled trial, comparing
traditional antenatal care with a more flexible schedule.
Setting Eleven primary care centres providing midwifery care in Avon.
Population Five hundred and ninety-three pregnant women at low risk of obst
etric complications presenting for antenatal care.
Methods A questionnaire was completed by women who agreed to participate in
the trial shortly after antenatal booking. The questionnaire explored wome
n's views on their attitudes to pregnancy and antenatal care, the locus of
control related to pregnancy, the planning of the pregnancy and expectation
s of care.
Main outcome measures Comparisons between nulliparous and multiparous women
in terms of their views of antenatal care, and their stated preference for
a particular package of care.
Results There was no difference in their views of pregnancy as an event ent
ailing risk. On a locus of control scale that measured women's perceptions
of factors which might affect their babies' health, nulliparous women rated
antenatal care higher than multiparous women (P = 0.0001). However, this w
as not associated with any difference between the two groups in their state
d preference for traditional or flexible care. Approximately half of the wo
men expressed no preference, and of those who did 61% would opt for traditi
onal care. Almost one-fifth of the whole sample welcomed the idea of flexib
le care.
Discussion These data support the evidence of previous studies that there r
emains a strong desire among pregnant women to receive a 'traditional' patt
ern of care, even among those who have previously experienced normal pregna
ncy. However, a minority can be identified at the outset of pregnancy who m
ay welcome a change to a more flexible pattern of care.