Fragile-X syndrome is the most common single-gene inherited form of mental
retardation. Morphological studies suggest a possible failure of the synaps
e maturation process. Cerebral cortical spine morphology in fragile-X syndr
ome and in a knockout mouse model of it appears immature, with long, thin s
pines much more common than the stubby and mushroom-shaped spines more char
acteristic of normal development. In human fragile-X syndrome there is also
a higher density of spines along dendrites, suggesting a possible failure
of synapse elimination. While variously misshapen spines are characteristic
of a number of mental retardation syndromes, the overabundance of spines s
een in fragile-X syndrome is unusual. Taken with evidence of neurotransmitt
er activation of the synthesis of the fragile-X protein (FMRP) at synapses
in vitro and evidence for behaviorally induced FMRP expression in vivo, and
with evidence compatible with a role for FMRP in regulating the synthesis
of other proteins, it is possible that FMRP serves as an 'immediate early p
rotein' at the synapse that orchestrates aspects of synaptic development an
d plasticity.