During the last few decades, several carbapenems have been developed, The m
ajor characteristic of the newer drugs, such as MK-826, is a prolonged half
-life, Alternatively, some carbapenems have been developed that can be give
n orally, such as CS-834 and L-084. Although imipenem and panipenem have to
be administered with a co-drug to prevent degradation by the enzyme dehydr
opeptidase-1 and reduce nephrotoxicity, the newer drugs such as meropenem,
biapenem and lenapenem are relatively stable towards that enzyme. Structura
l modifications have, besides changes in pharmacology, also led to varying
antimicrobial properties. For instance, meropenem is relatively more active
against Gram-negative organisms than most other carbapenems, but is slight
ly less active against Gram-positive organisms.
Except for half-life and bioavailability, the pharmacokinetic properties of
the carbapenems are relatively similar. Distribution is mainly in extracel
lular body-water, as observed both from the volumes of distribution and fro
m blister studies. Some carbapenems have a better penetration in cerebrospi
nal fluid than others. In patients with renal dysfunction, doses have to be
adjusted, and special care must be taken with imipenem/cilastatin and pani
penem/betamipron to prevent accumulation of the co-drugs, as the pharmacoki
netic properties of the co-drugs differ from those of the drugs themselves.
However, toxicity of the co-drugs has not been shown. The carbapenems diff
er in proconvulsive activity. Imipenem shows relatively the highest proconv
ulsive activity, especially at higher concentrations.
Pharmacodynamic studies have shown that the major surrogate parameter for a
ntimicrobial efficacy is the percentage of time of the dosage interval abov
e the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The minimum percentage percen
tage of time above the MIC (TaM) needed for optimal effect is known in anim
als (30 to 50%). but not in humans. It is probably less than 100%, but may
be higher than 50%. Dosage regimens currently in use result in a TaM of abo
ut 50% at 4 mg/L, which is the current 'susceptible' breakpoint determined
by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) for mos
t micro-organisms. Dosage regimens in patients with reduced renal clearance
should be based on the TaM. The increased half-life of the newer carbapene
ms will probably lead to less frequent administration, although continuous
infusion may still be the optimal mode of administration for these drugs. T
he availability of oral carbapenems will have a profound effect on the use
of carbapenems in the community.