Although concern with white-collar crime has grown considerably in recent y
ears, little research has been undertaken on the workplace misconduct of ju
veniles. This omission is noteworthy because of the extensive involvement o
f youths in the labor market. Accordingly, based on a sample of high school
seniors, we explored the determinants of youths' occupational delinquency.
The analysis revealed that work-related delinquency is affected both by un
derlying criminal propensities ann by contact with delinquent coworkers on
the job. It also appears that delinquent youths are selected into negative
work environments in which they come into contact with fellow delinquents-a
n interaction effect that amplifies their occupational delinquency. Finally
, the data suggest that associating with delinquent coworkers affects misbe
havior not only within, but also outside the workplace. The theoretical imp
lications of these findings ave explored.