Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is an acquired syndrome charac
terized by intravascular fibrin formation occurring in the course of a vari
ety of severe diseases. In Gram-negative sepsis, endotoxin is the bacterial
component eliciting a cascade of tissue factor dependent hypercoagulable r
eactions mediated by cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-or and inte
rleukin-6. Fibrinolysis is activated in this process by the action of tumor
necrosis factor-at, but its activity is impaired by the predominant inhibi
tory effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Natural inhibitory mechan
isms include antithrombin, the protein C system, and tissue factor pathway
inhibitor. Each of these defense systems counteracts the harmful effects of
DIC, and its acquired deficiency is associated with increased mortality in
observational studies.
The generation of several proteases in DIC, including factor Xa and thrombi
n, has potential interactions with inflammatory pathways that may potentiat
e the systemic inflammatory syndrome that often accompanies Die. Experiment
al studies support the notion that defects in the protein C pathway modulat
e the inflammatory response, and illustrate that coagulation and inflammati
on are coupled systems inDIC.