Thyroid cancers are still the most common endocrine cancers. They are domin
ated by well-differentiated carcinomas, including papillary carcinoma, foll
icular carcinoma, and medullary thyroid carcinoma. Diagnosis is based on fi
ne-needle aspiration cytologic examination. Recently, reverse transcription
polymerase chain reaction for the detection of cancer-specific mRNA was sh
own to be a useful adjunct in both initial diagnosis and detection of recur
rent disease, In addition, positron emission tomography has become a valuab
le tool for staging and surveillance of thyroid cancer. Given the gradual p
erfection of surgical technique and reduction in complication rates, near-t
otal and total thyroidectomy should be offered to patients with well-differ
entiated carcinoma. For medullary thyroid carcinoma, near-total and total t
hyroidectomy with routine central and bilateral functional neck dissection
are recommended. So far, no effective treatment exists for anaplastic thyro
id carcinoma. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.