This paper reports the results of a study aimed at the evaluation of the ha
zard level of farming activities in the province of Cremona. Italy, with pa
rticular reference to groundwater, The applied methodology employs a parame
tric approach based on the definition of potential hazard indexes (nonpoint
-source agricultural hazard indexes, NPSAHI). Two categories of parameters
were considered: the hazard factors (HF), which represent all farming activ
ities that cause or might cause an impact on groundwater (use of fertilizer
s and pesticides, application of livestock and poultry manure, food industr
y wastewater, and urban sludge), and the control factors (CF), which adapt
the hazard factor to the characteristics of the site (geographical location
, slope, agronomic practices, and type of irrigation). The hazard index (Hi
) can be calculated multiplying the hazard factors by the control factors a
nd, finally, the NPSAHI are obtained dividing HI into classes on a percenti
le basis using a scale ranging from 1 to 10. Organization, processing, and
display of all data layers were performed using the geographical informatio
n system (GIS) ArcView and its Spatial Analyst extension. Results show that
the potential hazard of groundwater pollution by farming activities in the
province of Cremona fails mainly in the fifth class (very low hazard).