Tetraethyllead (TEL) was first fabricated for use in gasoline in 1923. Shor
tly after manufacture began, workers at all three plants began to become fl
oridly psychotic and die. A moratorium on TEL production was put into place
, but was Lifted in 1926. Between 1926 and 1965, the prevailing consensus w
as that lead toxicity occurred only at high levels of exposure and that lea
d in the atmosphere was harmless. Most of the data on lead toxicity issued
from a single source, the Kettering Laboratory in Cincinnati. In 1959, the
first warnings of adverse health effects of lead at silent doses were raise
d by Clair Patterson, a geochemist. In hearings before the Senate Committee
on Public Works, Senator Edward Muskie raised the question of adverse heal
th effects from airborne lead. As new data accumulated on health effects of
lead at lower doses, the movement to remove lead from gasoline gained mome
ntum, and the Environmental Protection Agency examined the question. The re
moval of lead mould take place over the next 25 years, and its accomplishme
nt would require a severe change in the federal stance regarding its hazard
. This article details the interaction of various forces, industrial, regul
atory, judicial, public health, and public interest, that mere engaged in t
his contest and estimates the value of this step. (C) 2000 Academic Press.