Adult male hooded (Long-Evans) rats (Rattus norvergicus) were used to compa
re the efficiency of three types of tests (plain open field - OF, open fiel
d with a refuge - OD, and complex environment with a refuge - EX), for the
evaluation of exploratory behaviour. The results confirmed that OF is a hig
hly aversive situation with the animals showing elevated emotional response
(defecation and urination) when compared to situations containing a refuge
(OD and EX). Presence of a plain arena (OF and OD) does not elicit high ex
ploratory performance, as shown by the delayed and reduced exit from the re
fuge in OD when compared to EX. Thus locomotor activity in OF (covered dist
ance, number of rearings) probably reflects more of an escape reaction than
a genuine exploratory behaviour. Conversely the presence of a complex envi
ronment seems to elicit a high exploratory performance expressed as a quick
exit from the refuge, an increased time in the environment (more than 75%
of the observation time) and intense locomotor patterns (large covered dist
ances, great number of rearings) but with little emotional display (reduced
defecation and urination). The results thus show the importance of conside
ring ethological factors in the choice or development of laboratory tests.