The adhesion molecules identified in recent years can help improve the diag
nosis of the wound age, especially of injuries with a short survival time,
This is also indicative of the vitality of the wounds. The material investi
gated in the study originated from 465 skin wounds. The samples were taken
from human autopsy material, during the surgical treatment of wounds (excis
ion) of patients and from experimental incised wounds of mice. To judge the
age of skin wounds the endothelial adhesion molecules were detected in par
affin sections after autoclaving and using the ABC technique. Human skin wo
unds: strong positive staining was observed of ICAM-1 1.5 h at the earliest
and 3.5 days at the latest, for the P-selectin 3 min at the earliest and 7
h at the latest, for the E-selectin 1 h at the earliest and 17 days at the
latest and for VCAM-1 3 h at the earliest and 3.5 days at the latest after
the time of injury. The L-selectin was expressed constitutively. Mice skin
wounds: strong positive immunohistochemical reactions were found as a rule
earlier than in human skin wounds. The detection of an increased expressio
n of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and P- and E-selectins can improve the wound age assess
ment in injuries with short survival times. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Irela
nd Ltd. All rights reserved.