Phytochromes are informational photoreceptors through which plants adapt th
eir growth and development to prevailing light conditions. These adaptation
s are effected primarily through phytochrome regulation of gene expression
by mechanisms that remain unclear. We describe a new mutant, hfr1 (long hyp
ocotyl in far-red), that exhibits a reduction in seedling responsiveness sp
ecifically to continuous far-red light (FRc), thereby suggesting a locus li
kely to be involved in phytochrome A (phyA) signal transduction. Using an i
nsertionally tagged allele, we cloned the HFR1 gene and subsequently confir
med its identity with additional alleles derived from a directed genetic sc
reen. HFR1 encodes a nuclear protein with strong similarity to the bHLH fam
ily of DNA-binding proteins but with an atypical basic region. In contrast
to PIF3, a related bHLH protein previously shown to bind phyB, HFR1 did not
bind either phyA or B. However, HFR1 did bind PIF3, suggesting heterodimer
ization, and both the HFR1/PIF3 complex and PIF3 homodimer bound preferenti
ally to the Pfr form of both phytochromes. Thus, HFR1 may function to modul
ate phyA signaling via heterodimerization with PIF3. HFR1 mRNA is 30-fold m
ore abundant in FRc than in continuous red light, suggesting a potential me
chanistic basis for the specificity of HFR1 to phyA signaling.