This study determined the soft tissue attachment strength and extent of ing
rowth to a porous tantalum biomaterial. Eight dorsal subcutaneous implants
(in two dogs) were evaluated at 2, 8, and 16 weeks. Upon retrieval, all imp
lants were surrounded completely by adherent soft tissue. Implants were har
vested with a tissue flap on the cutaneous aspect and peel tested in a serv
o-hydraulic tensile test machine at a rate of 5 mm/min. Following testing,
implants were dehydrated ed in a solution of basic fuschin, defatted, embed
ded in methylmethacrylate, and processed for thin-section histology. At 4,
8, and 16 weeks, the attachment strength to porous tant alum was 61, 71, an
d 89 g/mm respectively. Histologic analysis showed complete tissue ingrowth
throughout the porous tantalum implant. Blood vessels were visible at the
interface of and within the porous tantalum material. Tissue maturity and v
ascularity increased with time. The tissue attachment strength to porous ta
ntalum was three- to six-fold greater than was reported in a similar study
with porous beads. This study demonstrated that porous tantalum permits rap
id ingrowth of vascularized soft tissue, and attains soft tissue attachment
strengths greater than with porous beads. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.