Torchiere-style halogen lamps pose a significant fire hazard. The 500-W hal
ogen bulb in these lamps can generate temperatures as high as 1200 degrees
F. Factors related to the design of the lamp also contribute to the fire ri
sk. The Consumer Products Safety Commission has issued various warnings and
recalls on these lamps because of a significant number of fire-related inc
idents and deaths. The impact of these recalls on a random sample of consum
ers was investigated. A survey of these participants revealed that 60% of l
amp owners and nonowners were unaware of the recalls. The majority of respo
ndents were also not aware of the risks of injury, the extreme bulb tempera
tures, or safety measures designed for these lamps. There is a need for inc
reasing community awareness and education to reduce the fire hazards associ
ated with this product.