The temperature variations of the cholesteric pitch in thin planar layers o
f cholesterics and their dependence on the surface anchoring force are inve
stigated theoretically. It is shown that the temperature variations of the
pitch in a layer are of a universal character. This is manifested in the fa
ct that they depend not separately on the parameters of the sample but only
on one dimensionless parameter S-d = K-22/dW, where K-22 is the torsional
modulus in the Frank elastic energy, W is the height of the surface-anchori
ng potential, and d is the thickness of the layer. The investigation is per
formed the parameter S-d in a range where the change per unit number of cho
lesteric half-turns within the thickness of the layer accompanying a change
in the temperature is due to the slipping of the director on the surface o
f the layer through the potential barrier for surface anchoring. The critic
al values of the parameter S-d (which are most easily attained experimental
ly by varying the thickness of the layer), determining the region of applic
ability of the approach employed, are presented. The temperature variations
of the free energy of the layer and the pitch of the cholesteric helix in
the layer as well as the temperature hysteresis in the variations of the pi
tch with increasing and decreasing temperature are investigated for the cor
responding values of S-d . Numerical calculations of the quantities mention
ed above are performed using the Rapini anchoring potential. (C) 2000 MAIK
"Nauka/ Interperiodica".