Global, monthly, 1 degrees by 1 degrees biophysical land surface datasets f
or 1982-90 were derived from data collected by the Advanced Very High Resol
ution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board the NOAA-7, -9, and -11 satellites. The A
VHRR data are adjusted for sensor degradation, volcanic aerosol effects, cl
oud contamination, short-term atmospheric effects (e.g., water vapor and ae
rosol effects less than or equal to 2 months), solar zenith angle variation
s, and missing data. Interannual variation in the data is more realistic as
a result. The following biophysical parameters are estimated: fraction of
photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by vegetation, vegetation cove
r fraction, leaf area index, and fraction of green leaves. Biophysical retr
ieval algorithms are tested and updated with data from intensive remote sen
sing experiments. The multiyear vegetation datasets are consistent spatiall
y and temporally and are useful for studying spatial, seasonal, and interan
nual variability in the biosphere related to the hydrological cycle, the en
ergy balance, and biogeochemical cycles. The biophysical data are distribut
ed via the Internet by the Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center as a p
recursor to the International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (I
SLSCP) Initiative II. Release of more extensive, higher-resolution datasets
(0.25 degrees by 0.25 degrees) over longer time periods (1982-97/98) is pl
anned for ISLSCP Initiative II.