A technique for the extraction and liquid chromatographic determination of
enrofloxacin residues in chicken muscle is described. The muscle samples we
re extracted with three steps of dichloromethane and centrifugation for the
isolation of enrofloxacin from muscle.
Enrofloxacin was quantified by liquid chromatography with fluorescence dete
ction at 297 nm excitation and 440 nm emission. The assay is linear from 0.
00048 to 0.25 mu g/mL. The limit of detection is 0.00048 mu g/mL and the li
mit of quantification is 0.0039 mu g/mL. The recoveries of enrofloxacin res
idues (0.0039 to 0.25 mu g/mL) averaged 86.67%. The injected extracts are f
ree from matrix interferences, making it easy to calculate the amount of re
sidue present.
This is a sensitive, economic, and fast method to investigate the presence
of enrofloxacin in chicken muscle.