We explore a set of simple, nonlinear, two-stage models that allow us to co
mpare the effects of density dependence on population dynamics among differ
ent kinds of life cycles. We characterize the behavior of these models in t
erms of their equilibria, bifurcations, and nonlinear dynamics, for a wide
range of parameters. Our analyses lead to several generalizations about the
effects of life history and density dependence on population dynamics. Amo
ng these are: (1) iteroparous life histories are more likely to be stable t
han semelparous life histories; (2) an increase in juvenile survivorship te
nds to be stabilizing; (3) density-dependent adult survival cannot control
population growth when reproductive output is high; (4) density-dependent r
eproduction is more likely to cause chaotic dynamics than density dependenc
e in other vital rates; and (5) changes in development rate have only small
effects on bifurcation patterns.