To investigate the function of the amygdala in human emotional cognition, w
e investigated the electrodermal activity (EDA) in response to masked (unse
en) visual stimuli. Six epileptic subjects were investigated after unilater
al temporal lobectomy. Emotionally valenced photographic slides (10 negativ
e, 10 neutral) from the International Affective Picture System were present
ed to their unilateral visual fields under either subliminal or supralimina
l conditions. An interaction between hemispheres and emotional valences was
found only under the subliminal conditions; greater EDA responses to negat
ive stimuli compared with neutral ones were observed when stimuli were pres
ented to the intact hemispheres. The findings suggest that nonconscious emo
tional processing is reflected in EDA in a different manner from conscious
emotional processing. Medial temporal structures, including the amygdala, t
hus appear to play a critical role in the neural substrates for this automa
tic processing.