A 9-item mail survey dealing with availability and characteristics of under
graduate medical education programs in palliative medicine was sent to all
medical schools in Canada (16) and the United Kingdom (UK) (30), and 129 ra
ndomly selected medical schools in the United States (US) and Western Europ
e. The overall response rate was 117/175 (67%). The highest percentage of m
andatory (required by the university) rotations in palliative medicine was
in the UK medical schools (14/22 64 %). Considerably lowe numbers were obta
ined from the other countries: US; 4/37, 11 %, Canada; 2/14, 14 %, and West
ern Europe; 8/43, 19 % (P = 0.001). Elective rotations in palliative medici
ne were more readily available in the UK; 18/22, 82 % and Canada; 10/14, 71
%, compared with the US; 23/37, 62 %, and Western Europe 13/43 30 % (P = 0
.001). Seventy-two percent (13/18) of UK, 70 % (7/10) of Canadian, 59 % (16
/27) of US, and 9/30 (30 %) of Western European medical schools provide edu
cational reading material in palliative medicine (P = 0.014). Case-based le
arning in small groups and small group discussion were favored by the UK, 1
4/22 (63 %) and 17/22 (77 %), respectively and Canadian medical schools, 8/
14 (57 %) and 8/14 (57 %), respectively (P = 0.176). The number of 2 univer
sities with academic faculty positions for palliative medicine and the medi
an number of positions for the countries were as follows-Canada 8/13 (62 %)
and 2; UK 12/22 (55 %) and 1; US 5/36 (14 %) and 1; and Western Europe 9/2
4 (21%) and 1, respectively (P = 0.001). Besides the UK mandatory (required
) rotations in undergraduate palliative medicine education are lacking in C
anadian, US, and Western European medical schools. The median number of 1 a
cademic faculty member per responding medical school is discouraging: In or
der for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in palliative medi
cine to improve the number of both educational programs and facility member
s will need to be increased. J Pain Symptom Manage 2000;20:174-179. (C) U.S
. Cancer Pain Relief Committee, 2000.