With interactive communication becoming an engaging and accessible venue, t
he specialized field of end-of-life care could greatly benefit by utilizing
the Internet to ensure comprehensive palliative care for many underserved
areas worldwide. Interactive communication can enhance the care of patients
wit advanced disease and their families by providing practitioners with cu
rrent research-based information to empower their clinical decision-making.
A collaborative consultative Internet relationship can support practitione
rs in providing comprehensive palliative interventions for their patients i
n a timely manner. This paper describes the development of the interactive
collaborative consultation model and its demonstration between a rural pall
iative care nurse practitioner and an urban medical research physician. Exp
ert consultation for individual patients through the Internet can help impr
ove access to palliative consultation and, ultimately, enhance the care of
many dying persons living with underserved or remote areas worldwide. J Pai
n Symptom Manage 2000;20:202-209. (C) U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee, 20