Objective: To develop a guideline document model that includes a sufficient
ly broad set of concepts to be useful throughout the guideline life cycle.
Design: Current guideline document models are limited in that they reflect
the specific orientation of the stakeholder who created them; thus, develop
ers and disseminators often provide few constructs for conceptualizing reco
mmendations, while implementers de-emphasize concepts related to establishi
ng guideline validity. The authors developed the Guideline Elements Model (
GEM) using XML to better represent the heterogeneous knowledge contained in
practice guidelines. Core constructs were derived from the Institute of Me
dicine's Guideline Appraisal Instrument, the National Guideline Clearinghou
se, and the augmented decision table guideline representation. These were s
upplemented by additional concepts from a literature review.
Results: The GEM hierarchy includes more than 100 elements. Major concepts
relate to a guideline's identity, developer, purpose, intended audience, me
thod of development, target population, knowledge components, testing, and
review plan. Knowledge components in guideline documents include recommenda
tions (which in turn comprise conditionals and imperatives), definitions, a
nd algorithms.
Conclusion: GEM is more comprehensive than existing models and is expressiv
ely adequate to represent the heterogeneous information contained in guidel
ines. Use of XML contributes to a flexible, comprehensible, shareable, and
reusable knowledge representation that is both readable by human beings and
processible by computers.