Objective-To identify continuing veterinary medical education (CVME) activi
ties, obstacles to participation, ways to provide more effective programs,
and ideas to improve participation in CVME.
Design-Focus group interviews.
Sample Population-Selected practicing veterinarians from a state that did m
andate continuing education for relicensure.
Procedure-12 focus group interviews were held throughout the state of Calif
ornia between May and September 1998. Practitioners were asked to respond t
o questions about where they obtain information to improve their practice,
what value they see in CVME, what motivates them to participate, what obsta
cles to CVME participation exist, and ways CVME providers and practitioners
could overcome those obstacles.
Results-84 practitioners participated in the focus group interviews. In add
ition to the educational value of CVME, participation was used to rejuvenat
e practice life and prevent feelings of isolation. Continuing education act
ivities ranged from problem-oriented chats with colleagues to formal educat
ional programs. Timing of events, distance, money, solo practice, stage of
career, and family demands were identified as barriers to participation. De
signing and marketing CVME with specific learning objectives and for specif
ic career stages and using new educational delivery technologies were sugge
sted to overcome some of these barriers.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-If CVME is to improve practice and patie
nt care, it should be integrated into a practice's strategic planning and c
onsidered a legitimate business expense. Decisions about CVME participation
are made easier if program objectives are clearly outlined.