Members of the genus Acytostelium are the smallest Dictyostelids, character
ized by slender acellular sorophores which support very small globose to su
bglobose sori. Seven species are presented as new; all were isolated since
1990, and all but one from ecologically diverse tropical environments. They
are: A. digitatum, from semievergreen rain forest at Tikal, Guatemala; A.
aggregatum and A. amazonicum, from tropical rain forest of the Peruvian Ama
zon; A. pendulum, from a Mayan milpa in Southern Belize; the largest, A. ma
gnuphorum, from a bog in North Central Ohio; A. reticulatum, from the lower
montane zone of the Loquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, and the sma
llest, A. minutissimum, from elfin woodland on the rim of Volcan Cacao in C
osta Rica.