Effective management of early anaemia in the course of chronic renal insuff
iciency requires the following: (i) implementing an efficient diagnostic st
rategy to exclude common contributing factors; (ii) initiating epoetin ther
apy for the majority of patients; and (iii) ensuring adequate iron supply f
or erythropoiesis.
Diagnostic inquiry is warranted whenever the haemoglobin concentration is b
elow the normal range adjusted for age and gender. The most efficient diagn
ostic approach is to assume erythropoietin deficiency, exclude iron deficie
ncy, and pursue further diagnostic tests only when red-cell indices are abn
ormal or when leukopenia or thrombocytopenia are also present. Macrocytosis
should prompt an inquiry into alcoholism, B-12 deficiency, or folate defic
iency. Microcytosis suggests iron deficiency or thalassaemia. Associated cy
topenias raise the possibility of alcohol toxicity, pernicious anaemia, mal
ignancy, or myelodysplastic syndrome. Epoetin therapy is warranted whenever
the haemoglobin concentration has fallen below 10.0 g/dl. To initiate ther
apy prior to dialysis, epoetin should be administered at an average dose of
100 IU/kg/week (80-120 IU/kg/week, 50-150 IU/kg/ week) by subcutaneous inj
ection. Haemoglobin concentration should be monitored every 2 weeks and the
epoetin dose adjusted by increments or decrements of 25% to maintain a rat
e of rise of haemoglobin concentration of 0.2-0.6 g/dl (0.3-0.6 g/dl/week,
0.2-0.5 g/dl/week). When the target range is achieved, the dose of epoetin
should be continually adjusted to maintain a stable haemoglobin concentrati
on. Transferrin saturation and ferritin concentration should be monitored m
onthly, and sufficient iron provided to maintain transferrin saturation abo
ve 20%. The lower the haemoglobin concentration, the greater the likelihood
that future intravenous iron will be required. Oral iron supplements shoul
d be avoided, since they are costly, ineffective, and troublesome to patien
ts. Finally, a blunted therapeutic response to epoetin therapy provides imp
ortant diagnostic information and should prompt renewed diagnostic inquiry.