In view of handling the anode signals from the position-sensitive photomult
iplier a new front-end electronic circuit has been designed and realized, w
hich allows one to suppress annoying effects of the cross-talk between adja
cent channels. The circuit was tested in association with a scintillating f
ibre detector in a test beam at CERN. The basic performances, such as the d
etection efficiency and its uniformity, as well as the hit multiplicity for
single tracks were compared to those of the conventional electronics based
on the simple threshold discriminators. A great advantage of the peak-sens
ing circuit was experimentally demonstrated, in particular, in its real-tim
e digitization of the track position without significant ambiguity of the t
rack position due to the cross-talk, (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rig
hts reserved.