For any finite-dimensional Lie bialgebra g, we construct a bialgebra A(u,v)
(g) over the ring C[u] [[v]], which quantizes simultaneously the universal
enveloping bialgebra U (g), the bialgebra dual to U (g*), and the symmetri
c bialgebra S (g). Following Turaev, we call A(u,v) (g) a biquantization of
S (g). We show that the bialgebra A(u,v) (g*) quantizing U (g*), U (g*), a
nd S (g*) is essentially dual to the bialgebra obtained from A(u,v) (g) by
exchanging u and v. Thus, A(u,v) (g) contains all information about the qua
ntization of g. Our construction extends Etingof and Kazhdan's one-variable
quantization of U(g).