We derive a rigorous expression for the mean first-passage time of an overd
amped particle subject to a constant bias in a force field with quenched di
sorder. Depending on the statistics of the disorder, the disorder-averaged
mean first-passage time can undergo a transition from an infinite Value far
small bias to a finite value for large bias. This corresponds to a depinni
ng transition of the particle. We obtain exact values for the depinning thr
eshold for Gaussian disorder and also for a class of piecewise constant ran
dom forces, which we call generalized kangaroo disorder. For Gaussian disor
der, we investigate how the correlations of the random force field affect t
he average motion of the particle. For kangaroo disorder, we apply the gene
ral results for the depinning transition to two specific examples, viz., di
chotomous disorder and random fractal disorder.