We present a new approach to three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction us
ing analytical inversion of the exponential divergent beam transform, which
can serve as a mathematical model for cone-beam 3D SPECT imaging. We apply
a circular cone-beam scan and assume constant attenuation inside a convex
area with a known boundary, which is satisfactory in brain imaging. The rec
onstruction problem is reduced to an image restoration problem characterize
d by a shift-variant point spread function which is given analytically. The
method requires two computation steps: backprojection and filtering. The m
odulation transfer function (MTF) of the filter is derived by means of an o
riginal methodology using the 2D Laplace transform. The filter is implement
ed in the frequency domain and requires 2D Fourier transform of transverse
slices. In order to obtain a shift-invariant cone-beam projection-backproje
ction operator we resort to an approximation, assuming that the collimator
has a relatively large focal length. Nevertheless, numerical experiments de
monstrate surprisingly good results for detectors with relatively short foc
al lengths. The use of a wavelet-based filtering algorithm greatly improves
the stability to Poisson noise.