This paper reviews computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for aerodynamic appli
cations. The key elements of a rigorous CFD analysis are discussed. Modelli
ng issues are summarised and the state of modern discretisation schemes con
sidered. Implicit solution schemes are discussed in some detail, as is mult
iblock grid generation. The cost and availability of computing power is des
cribed in the context of cluster computing and its importance for CFD. Seve
ral complex applications are then considered in light of these simulation c
omponents. Verification and validation is presented for each application an
d the important flow mechanisms are shown through the use of the simulation
results. The applications considered are: cavity flow, spiked body superso
nic flow, underexpanded jet shock wave hysteresis, slender body aerodynamic
s and wing flutter. As a whole the paper aims to show the current strengths
and limitations of CFD and the conclusions suggest a way of enhancing the
usefulness of flow simulation for industrial class problems. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.