A procedure for the fault location of tribe-mechanical systems based on gra
ph theory and matrix approach is presented. A component digraph which repre
sents the failure propagation network of the tribe-mechanical system is dev
eloped for identification of fault location sources and failure paths. Star
ting from the nodes that indicate abnormal states, some nodes from the comp
onent digraph are selected as the probable candidates of failure origin by
back-bracing. These candidates are further screened by using failure propag
ation probabilities and failure propagation time between adjacent nodes, an
d back-tracing. Finally, the failure propagation probabilities and failure
rates of the devices are used to evaluate the ranking order among the scree
ned candidates for fault location. The faults are located through pre-proce
ssing and alarm processing of the digraph. The methodology is applied to a
journal bearing oil supply system for a thermal power plant. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights resented.