Bicultural communities, particularly Latino communities, are often describe
d as if they were monolithic communities that share similar language, value
s, politics, educational, and socioeconomic concerns. This article describe
s the implications of the consultation process when working with an educati
onally and linguistically heterogeneous Spanish-speaking immigrant Latino c
ommunity. Using qualitative research methodologies, the researchers studied
two "Latino" elementary schools in one district. Three themes emerged: (a)
role of primary language in education, (b) role of parents in the school,
and (c) prevalent attitudes regarding the nature of disability. Parent part
icipants differed in ways that impacted the role of the consultant and subs
equent consultation interactions. Formal educational experiences in the par
ents' native country and language influenced parent participation in the ed
ucational process. Suggestions for consultants include recognizing the hete
rogeneity within bicultural communities and conducting thorough family inte
rviews in an informal setting and before formal meetings to determine the c
oncerns and goals of family members.