Contamination of groundwater by pesticide percolation is of great concern.
Field observations have revealed that some pesticides move deeper into the
soil profile than would be expected from predictions made by solute transpo
rt models. The discrepancies have been attributed to preferential now of wa
ter carrying pesticides via macropores in field soils. The same phenomenon
may also be explained by transport facilitated by a carrier such as dissolv
ed organic matter (DOM), A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the t
ransport of napropamide [2-(a-naphthoxy-N,N-diethylpropionamide] through so
il via DOM, Soils were sieved, packed in columns, and treated at the surfac
e with C-14-labeled napropamide, Water was applied to the columns by floodi
ng and leachate was collected. It was found that C-14-labeled napropamide w
as present in the first 0.22 cm of leachate. The C-14 and DOM concentration
s were highest in the initial leachate and decreased with increasing leacha
te. Napropamide concentration fell below detection at some depth in all col
umns and recovery in the soil averaged 95% of the applied napropamide, Gas
chromatographic analyses verified that C-14 activity in the leachate was as
sociated with napropamide, A dialysis equilibrium technique determined that
17 to 56% of the napropamide in the leachate was retained inside a 500-Da
dialysis membrane. The rapid leaching of a small fraction of napropamide wa
s not a result of preferential flow in our experiments but is due to DOM-fa
cilitated transport. Thus, under field conditions rapid pesticide leaching
could be the combined effects of preferential now and facilitated transport