The objective of this paper is to analyze in both descriptive and econometr
ic terms the phase-out of leaded gasoline consumption in the EU countries.
The phase-out process is characterized by increased consumption of unleaded
gasoline. We analyze the importance of price differences, share of catalyt
ic converters, income per capita, and country characteristics in the phase-
out process. Since the expected maintenance costs of using unleaded gasolin
e in cars without catalytic converters compared to the use of leaded gasoli
ne differ insignificantly according to available evidence, and consumers st
ill use leaded gasoline even though unleaded gasoline is cheaper, we interp
ret this as a lack of reliable information. The results indicate that count
ries, which have not yet phased-out leaded gasoline, should do this by eith
er banning leaded gasoline or use a larger tax differential complemented wi
th information. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.