Two properties that delimit the useful temperature range of synthetic lubri
cating oils are the vapor pressure and viscosity. This study investigates t
he ability of fluid theory to model these two properties for diesters with
different diacid chain length and alcohol branching, triesters consisting o
f triglycerides and a trimethylol propane ester, and nonpolar oils includin
g aromatic hydrocarbons, a polyalphaolefin, and two branched alkanes. Withi
n each type of oil there are structural isomers. Isomerism influences the v
apor pressure and viscosity, in addition to the well-known dependence on mo
lecular weight. The expressions for the vapor pressure and viscosity are co
mbined using the absolute rate theory of Eyring and equilibrium thermodynam
ics. A modification of the rate theory allowing for a rotational contributi
on to the flow-activation entropy was needed to simultaneously fit the vapo
r pressure and viscosity data between -20 and 100 degrees C. The flow-activ
ation rotational entropy, calculated from the combined vapor pressure and v
iscosity data, is a significant contribution to the viscosity. This analysi
s provides the background for molecular dynamics simulation to assist in de
signing new low viscosity and vapor pressure synthetic oils.