The purpose of this study was to involve pharmacy students in a project des
igned to evaluate the comprehension of consumer-directed, over the counter
(OTC) medication information. This project was conducted statewide in North
Carolina and was coordinated through an alliance of the University of Nort
h Caroline at Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy and the North Carolina Area He
alth Education Centers (AHEC) Program. Two other goals of this project were
to expose pharmacy students to research and provide collaborative experien
ce for AHEC-based faculty. The project was implemented over a three-month p
eriod during the fall of 1998 and included completion of patient comprehens
ion surveys. Each study participant read an example of OTC patient instruct
ions. Afterwards, students asked questions directly related to the OTC info
rmation. Surveys of 878 participants were completed. A comprehension score
was calculated based on eleven questions obtained from the participant resp
onse form. Comprehension scores ranged between 6.7 and 8.4 using a scale th
at was based on the eleven questions worth one point each. Students were al
so asked to provide feedback by survey regarding how participant selection
was conducted and a debriefing session allowed for discussion about project
experience and improvement. This study indicates that OTC medication instr
uctions are difficult to interpret for many consumers, that student partici
pation in a community research project is a useful learning experience, and
that geographically dispersed faculty can conduct collaborative research.