Antipredator behaviour of prey costs time and energy, at the expense of oth
er activities. However, not all predators are equally dangerous to all prey
some may have switched to feeding on another prey species, making them eff
ectively harmless. To minimize costs, prey should therefore invest in antip
redator behaviour only when dangerous predators are around. To distinguish
these from harmless predators, prey may use cues related to predation on co
nspecifics, such as odours released by a predator that has recently eaten c
onspecific prey or alarm pheromones released by attacked prey. We studied r
efuge use by a herbivorous/omnivorous thrips, Frankliniella occinentalis, i
n response to odours associated with a generalist predatory bug, Orius laev
igatus, fed either with conspecific thrips or with other prey. The refuge u
sed by thrips larvae is the web produced by its competitor, the two-spotted
spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, where thrips larvae experience lower pre
dation risk because the predatory bug is hindered by the web. Thrips larvae
moved into this refuge when odours associated with predatory bugs that had
previously fed on thrips were present, whereas odours from predatory bugs
that had fed on other prey had less effect. We discuss the consequences of
this antipredator behaviour for population dynamics. (C) 2000 The Associati
on for the Study of Animal Behaviour.