Scale space theory from computer vision leads to an interesting and novel a
pproach to nonparametric curve estimation. The family of smooth curve estim
ates indexed by the smoothing parameter can be represented as a surface cal
led the scale space surface. The smoothing parameter here plays the same ro
le as that played by the scale of resolution in a visual system. In this pa
per, we study in detail various features of that surface from a statistical
viewpoint. Pi-Teak convergence of the empirical scale space surface to its
theoretical counterpart and some related asymptotic results have been esta
blished under appropriate regularity conditions. Our theoretical analysis p
rovides new insights into nonparametric smoothing procedures and yields use
ful techniques for statistical exploration of features in the data. In part
icular, Re have used the scale space approach for the development of an eff
ective exploratory data analytic tool called SiZer.