Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on
pediatric residents' resuscitation fund of knowledge, technical skills, con
fidence, and overall performance.
Design: Prospective, nonconcurrent, controlled interventional trial.
Setting: Urban pediatric tertiary care hospital.
Participants: An intervention group (IG) of 28 pediatric residents graduati
ng in 1997, and a control group (CG) of 30 pediatric residents graduating i
n 1996.
Interventions: Resuscitation course with didactic lectures and skills pract
ice stations, as well as a minimum of 3 practice mock resuscitations with i
mmediate feedback throughout postgraduate year 3. Main Outcome Measures: Fu
nd of knowledge, using the Pediatric Advanced Life Support test and short a
nswer test; technical skills, using the Airway and Vascular Access Skills A
ssessment; experience and confidence, using an anonymous survey; and overal
l performance, evaluated using a videotaped mock resuscitation test.
Results: The IG scored better on the short answer test (P<.001). A larger n
umber of IG residents were successful in the completion of ancillary airway
maneuvers and femoral vascular access (P=.02), as well as endotracheal int
ubation (P=.004) and intraosseous access (P=.002). The IG was more confiden
t in their leadership role (P=.0001) and technical skills (P=.05). Trends t
oward improved overall performance were noted for the IG mock resuscitation
s. Residents in the IG were more likely to assess the airway in fewer than
2 minutes (P=.02), recognize the threat to life in fewer than 5 minutes (P=
.02), and complete the primary survey in a timely fashion (P=.05). They req
uired fewer prompts (P=.04) and made fewer mistakes (P=.07).
Conclusions: A structured, formal curriculum can improve the necessary fund
of knowledge, skills, confidence, and leadership required for resuscitatio