Paternity has been hypothesized to be related to the evolution of paternal
care because (1) there should be selection for males not to invest in brood
s with an uncertain parentage, or (2) male extrapair activity is traded aga
inst paternal care. We used interspecific comparisons to discriminate betwe
en these alternatives. Male participation in three kinds of parental care (
nest building, incubation, provisioning of offspring) increased with high p
aternity in their own nests, Male parental activities at some stages of the
breeding cycle were significantly correlated. A multivariate analysis taki
ng this intercorrelation between different components of care and potential
ly confounding variables such as precociality, polyandry, and sexual dichro
matism into account revealed that paternity was significantly positively re
lated to offspring provisioning, while male participation in the other comp
onents of parental care did not explain a significant amount of interspecif
ic variation in paternity. Analyses of evolutionary transitions between dif
ferent dichotomized states of paternity and paternal care provided no clear
conclusions concerning evolutionary scenarios. However, theoretical argume
nts and the results of the contrast analyses suggest that mate provisioning
of offspring evolved in response to paternity.