The Holliday junction is a key DNA intermediate in the process of genetic r
ecombination. It consists of two double-helical domains composed of homolog
ous strands that flank a branch point; two of the strands are roughly helic
al, and two form the crossover between the helices. RuvC is a Holliday junc
tion resolvase that cleaves the helical strands at a symmetric sequence, le
ading to the production of two recombinant molecules. We have determined th
e position of the cleavage site relative to the crossover point by the use
of symmetric immobile junctions; these are DNA molecules containing two cro
ssover points, one held immobile by sequence asymmetry and the second a sym
metric sequence, but held immobile by torsional coupling to the first junct
ion. We have built five symmetric immobile junctions, in which the tetranuc
leotide recognition site is moved stepwise relative to the branch point. We
have used kinetic analysis of catalysis, gel retardation, and hydroxyl rad
ical hypersensitivity to analyze this system. We conclude that the internuc
leotide linkage one position 3' to the crossover point is the favored site
of cleavage.