Angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor blockers, such as candesartan, are a
ttractive alternatives to ACE inhibitors in the treatment of hypertension a
nd cardiovascular disease. Although angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inh
ibitors are able to suppress the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), their mech
anism of action may limit their clinical utility in the treatment of hypert
ension. For example, they act as competitive inhibitors of ACE. This means
that their effects can be overcome by high levels of angiotensin I, which o
ccur after ACE inhibition due to removal of the negative feedback effect of
angiotensin II on renal renin release. ACE inhibitors are also unable to b
lock the production of angiotensin II by non-ACE-mediated pathways. Further
more, ACE is not a specific enzyme. Its inhibition therefore has effects on
other substances, such as bradykinin, leading to the class-specific side e
ffects associated with ACE inhibitors. Candesartan, on the other hand, bind
s insurmountably to the AT(1) receptor, thereby providing more complete blo
ckade of the negative cardiovascular effects of angiotensin II than is poss
ible with ACE inhibitors. The specificity of AT(1)-receptor blockade also e
nsures that efficacy is achieved without inducing the side effect of cough
that results from the non-specific consequences of ACE inhibition. Preclini
cal and early clinical studies demonstrate that AT(1)-receptor blockers pro
duce at least the same degree of target-organ protection as has been demons
trated for ACE inhibitors. Additional benefits of AT(1)-receptor blockers m
ay arise from the fact that, unlike ACE inhibitors, they do not prevent the
activity of angiotensin II on AT(2)-receptors in the heart, which is thoug
ht to reduce cardiac remodelling. From a mechanistic perspective, therefore
, AT(1)-receptor blockers appear to have advantages over ACE inhibitors, in
terms of a more complete blockade of angiotensin II effects, while also av
oiding the specific side effects associated with ACE inhibition.