Examination of the mental health needs and services for ethnic minority ado
lescents has been woefully neglected. The present article summarizes the cu
rrent literature on the menial health status of ethnic minority adolescents
, discusses the applicability of cognitive behavioral treatment interventio
ns with ethnic minority adolescents, and presents data from a survey of cog
nitive-behavioral therapists who provided services to adolescents. Results
from the survey indicated that although most therapists consider adolescent
client ethnicity during the various phases of the therapy process, they ty
pically do not directly address ethnicity or ethnic differences in therapy
sessions unless it is clearly part of the presenting problem. Education on
techniques Ibr incorporating cultural factors into therapy is suggested for
new therapists as well as for more seasoned clinicians. Specific recommend
ations are offered for conducting culturally sensitive cognitive-behavioral
therapy with ethnic minority adolescents.