Single-case, longitudinal studies of the three-dimensional vestibule-ocular
response (VOR) were conducted with two spaceflight subjects over a 180-day
mission. For reference, a control study was performed in the laboratory wi
th 13 healthy volunteers. Horizontal, vertical and torsional VOR was measur
ed during active yaw, pitch and roll oscillations of the head, performed du
ring visual fixation of real and imaginary targets. The control group was t
ested in the head-upright position, and in the gravity-neutral, onside and
supine positions. Binocular eye movements were recorded throughout using vi
deo-oculography, yielding eye position in Fick co-ordinates. Eye velocity w
as calculated using quaternion algebra. Head angular velocities were measur
ed by a head-mounted rate sensor. Eye/head velocity gain and phase were eva
luated for the horizontal, vertical and torsional VOR. The inclination of L
isting's plane was also calculated for each test session. Control group gai
n for horizontal and vertical VOR was distributed closely around unity duri
ng real-target fixation, and reduced by 30-50% during imaginary-target tria
ls. Phase was near zero throughout. During head pitch in the onside positio
n, vertical VOR gain did not change significantly. Analysis of up/down asym
metry indicated that vertical VOR gain for downward head movement was signi
ficantly higher than for upward head movement. Average torsional VOR gain w
ith real-target fixation was significantly higher than with imaginary-targe
t fixation. No difference in phase was found. In contrast to vertical VOR g
ain, torsional VOR gain was significantly lower in the gravity-neutral supi
ne position. Spaceflight subjects showed no notable modification of horizon
tal or vertical VOR gain or phase during real-target fixation over the cour
se of the mission. However, the up/down asymmetry of vertical VOR gain was
inverted in microgravity. Torsional VOR gain was clearly reduced in microgr
avity, with some recovery in the later phase. After landing, there was a di
p in gain during the first 24 h, with subsequent recovery to near baseline
over the 13-day period tested. Listing's plane appeared to remain stable th
roughout the mission. The findings reflect various functions of the otolith
responses. The reduced torsional VOR gain in microgravity is attributed to
the absence of the gravity-dependent, dynamic stimulation to the otoliths
(primarily utricles). On the other hand, the reversal of vertical VOR up/do
wn gain asymmetry in microgravity is attributed to the off-loading of the c
onstant l-g bias (primarily to the saccules) on Earth. The observed increas
e in torsional VOR gain from the Ist to the 6th month in microgravity demon
strates the existence of longer-term adaptive processes than have previousl
y been considered. Likely factors are the adaptive reweighting of neck-prop
rioceptive afferents and/or enhancement of efference copy.