A direct method for analyzing diapycnal mixing in a stably stratified fluid
(Winters et al., 1995) has been applied to the stably stratified shear lay
er. The diapycnal flux and mixing efficiency are computed as functions of t
ime, whatever the turbulent activity in the fluid. The mixing properties of
two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equatio
ns are analyzed and compared. The interest of the former simulations is to
emphasize the fundamental role of three-dimensional effects in fluid mixing
and to quantify it. We focus on the influence of stratification (measured
by the minimum Richardson number J) and changes in Prandtl number on the ov
erall mixing that occurs as the computed flows evolve from unstable initial
conditions. In three dimensions, the flow dynamics exhibit three successiv
e stages, each with different mixing properties. During the first stage, a
primarily two-dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz instability develops and the mix
ing efficiency is high (the flux Richardson number Rf(b) ranges between 0.3
7 and 0.68, decreasing as J increases). The second stage is characterized b
y the development of small-scale three-dimensional instabilities. These mot
ions result in significantly higher diapycnal flux than during the first st
age but in only moderate mixing efficiency (Rf(b) similar or equal to 0.32)
, as the rate of kinetic energy dissipation is also high during this stage.
Finally, the turbulent activity is progressively expulsed toward the outer
regions of the shear layer and decays in time while the central region rel
aminarizes. During this final stage, Rf(b) approaches an asymptotic value c
lose to 0.25 and the diapycnal diffusivity displays a clear functional depe
ndence on a gradient Richardson number Ri(b) of the form Ri(b)(-2.) As expe
cted, the two-dimensional flows are unable to reproduce the mixing properti
es of the flow, except during the first stage. During the subsequent turbul
ent regime, both the diapycnal flux and the dissipation rate of kinetic ene
rgy are too small (because, for the latter quantity, of the nonlinear enstr
ophy conservation constraint). The final stage consists in a quasi-stationa
ry weakly turbulent regime, for which the diapycnal diffusivity behaves as
Ri(b)(-1). It should be noted that, despite these differences, Rf(b) relaxe
s toward the 0.25 value found in three dimensions. (C) 2000 The Japan Socie
ty of Fluid Mechanics and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.