Objective: In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, no clin
ical efficacy of Caulophyllum D4 could be shown with 40 pregnant women with
premature amnion rupture. It was the aim of this study to confirm the resu
lts of this clinical trial by basic research. Therefore the effects of Caul
ophyllum D2-D6 on the spontaneous contractile activity (SCA) of smooth musc
le fibres of uterus have been measured in vitro.
Methods: The spontaneous contraction activity of the smooth muscles and the
influence of the homeopathic dilutions were registrated by tension transdu
cers under isometric conditions.
Results: The homeopathic dilutions D2-D6 did not cause myogene effects.
Conclusions: It can be said that Caulophyllum D2-D6 did not show an increas
e of SCA of the smooth muscles. The clinical efficacy, however, could not b
e proved. The clinical and in-vitro investigations confirm each other. Caul
ophyllum D4 can be prescribed for pregnant women with premature amnion rupt
ure without fear of side effects, although the efficacy could not be proved
in the clinical trial and the basic research work. Before homeopathic trea
tment can be used in the delivery room, it must first meet the same criteri
a as standard medical treatment.